Indonesia Asman Arianto Washed Coffee

Indonesia Asman Arianto Washed Coffee

Indonesia Asman Arianto Washed Coffee
Learn about the history, flavors, and other aspects of this coffee from Indonesia.


The Dutch introduced Arabica coffee culture to Indonesia in the 17th century. Small plantations with a surface area of around 1 hectare are used to grow coffee. Today, the Arabica type is making a comeback with a range of cultivars, and coffee is maturing at various phases.


Sumatra is one of the most intriguing coffee-producing regions in Indonesia. Coffee processing centers have specialized in high-quality coffee production. Indonesia is made up of numerous small islands with a wide range of scenery and crops. The variety of terroir allows for the creation of a wide range of coffees with distinct qualities. In Sumatra, almost all farms are modest, ranging in size from 0.5 to 2.5 hectares. Coffee is the principal income crop, although farmers also plant vegetables, corn, and fruit in their trees.



Asman Arianto founded the Ribang Gayo Musara cooperative in 2018. He spent 21 years working in the selection and processing of washed commercial coffee. He was able to pay the cooperative members a second time thanks to the income from the 2019 harvest.


Sumatra is one of the most intriguing coffee-producing regions in Indonesia. Though the origins of the 'Wet Hulled' Process (Giling Basah) are unknown, wet hulling most likely began in Aceh during the 1970s. Wet hulling was popular in Indonesia due to the necessity for rapid payments and the region's high humidity and erratic rainfall.


The beans are soaked for 24 hours after being fermented in water for 12 hours. Finally, they are dried for 14 days on raised beds on covered terraces. This Arabica microlot was processed using the washing technique and a disc pulper.



Indonesia Asman Arianto Washed coffee is a single origin specialty grade coffee beans from Northern Sumatra region in Indonesia. This coffee is fully wash processed and roasted at medium level. Low acidity with spicy, smoky aroma and tobacco, cedar, spicy, walnut, cane sugar flavour.

This coffee is best enjoyed in black coffee. Let us share with you how our roaster brews this amazing coffee. 

Our roaster's personal brew ratio:

Coffee: 18g
Water Temperature: 92℃
Total Water: 310g
Prewet: 40g
Final Weight: 280g
Time: 2:30s

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