PNG Baroida Estate Washed Coffee
A coffee from PNG that shines through.
This Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee is from US-TTCP farm/coop/station. Grown at an altitude of 3,000- 5,000 masl and Grade 1. This premium coffee und...
A specialty coffee from Bolivia that you will love!
這單品的埃塞俄比亞耶加雪夫咖啡 Gedeb 經過日晒處理,地方來自Yirgacheffe Gedeb地區的Tarekech Werasa來生產這種混合的原生種咖啡。 這個日曬處理分別有兩個烘焙度:輕中度烘焙,咖啡表現出茶感並帶有橙酸味和藍莓味的風味,蜂蜜;而中度深度烘焙,呈現出中等酸度,帶有椰...
A new single origin coffee from Indonesia that coffee lovers will surely enjoy!
Enjoy a cup of Colombian coffee that you can't resist!
This coffee might be your early morning cup of it might make your late-morning and afternoon a lot more pleasant.