Decaf Coffee Process
What do you lose when you take caffeine out of coffee? Let's find out!
What do you lose when you take caffeine out of coffee? Let's find out!
常見的咖啡處理法除了較早前分享過的日曬法與水洗法外,蜜處理法亦屬我們經常接觸到的一種。究竟蜜處理法的過程是怎樣?又是否真的與「蜜糖」有關係?接下來就與大家簡單分享一下! 蜜處理法的歷史過往,哥斯達黎加習慣使用耗水量較多的水洗法,出產大量乾淨明亮風味的咖啡豆。直至2008年,哥斯達黎加發生大地震...
In search for a process to reduce water consumption, the honey process was discovered in Costa Rica.
Kenya Kirinyaga Kibirigwi AA Top coffee is a single origin specialty grade coffee beans and is washed processed. Roasted in light level to enhance sweet & sour strong cranberry juice, orange peel acidity. Full, smooth body and cranberry juice flavour.
什麼是帕卡瑪拉咖啡 帕卡瑪拉咖啡於1958年在 薩爾瓦多咖啡研究所首次面世,這款咖啡豆通過把帕卡斯 (Pacas) 與象豆 (Maragogype)兩種不同咖啡豆品種結合而創造出來。「Pacamara 」這個名字正正就是把兩款咖啡豆品種的頭四個字「Paca+ Maragogype 」結...