A quality Costa Rican Coffee!
Coffee History
The very first coffee beans were brought to Martinica in 1720 and then to Costa Rica at the end of the XVIII century. Coffee became one of their largest exports and an important part of the Costa Rican economy due to the ideal climate in the mountains. Today, big companies have their own coffee plantations in Costa Rica because of its growing conditions.
Costa Rican Coffee
- More than 80% of Costa Rica's coffee plantations are located between 800 and 1,600 meters above sea level and are cultivated on fertile volcanic soil. After being outlawed in 1989 due to poor quality, Costa Rican coffee producers chose to discontinue manufacturing another type of coffee known as Catimores.
- Costa Rica is the perfect environment to produce an excellent product. Coffee plants do not like extremely hot weather and thrive in a higher altitude.
- Costa Rica got its first taste of coffee in the last years of the 18th century. Coffee's development and trade had a significant impact on the cultural landscape. Coffee plant varieties, rich soils, high elevations, and distinct growing locations all contribute to a popular and desired cup profile.
For SHB Costa Rican coffees, this is the standard quality. Coffee may be grown at an altitude of over 1,350 meters in various parts of the country. Gourmet coffee is best served at this height. SHB coffees offer distinct characteristics such as citrus acidity and a rich blend of fruit and silky chocolate aromas. This coffee reflects the traditional, clean cup of Central America.

The SHB (Strictly Hard Bean) designation indicates that the coffee was cultivated over 1,350 meters. This term is also known as SHG (Strictly High Grown), which is a higher categorization than HB.
Tarrazu coffee earned the highest classification in Costa Rica, SHB-single hard bean, by being grown at heights of over 3,900 feet. This coffee is one of the best in the world, due to its rich volcanic soil and high altitude. Tarrazu coffee is noted for its crisp and medium body, citrus flavor with a beautiful, pleasing aroma, and for being "classically complete." Tarrazu is perfect from lightest to darkest roasts.
The coffee region of Tarrazu in Costa Rica will no longer be a mystery for long. Coffee spreads by word of mouth rather than advertising, allowing it to slowly but steadily establish itself on the global market.
Tasting Notes
This cup has a very classic Costa profile. The aroma is floral and sweet, like honey, with a gentle fruit tone upfront that is complemented by a deliciously chocolaty undertone. A medium-bodied, smooth, and creamy cup of coffee with a greater floral note and medium to low acidity. Light roasts have a clean cup, are juicy, crisp, flowery, sweet, and bright, and have a nutty tone that becomes considerably more chocolatey as the roast progresses. The transition from light to dark is well-balanced. The cup has a wonderful spiciness to it at the end. This is a flavorful cup of coffee with a lot of depth.