Rwanda Kanyege Honey Coffee

Rwanda Kanyege Honey Coffee

Rwanda Kanyege Honey Coffee
green coffee beans

Taste and enjoy another specialty coffee from Rwanda.


Rwandan coffee has been produced since the 1900s, when it was brought to the country by German missionaries and merchants. By then, coffee became Rwanda's most important export. Smallholders, who own less than a quarter of an acre, grow the majority of coffee.

Rwanda Kanyege Honey coffee is a single origin specialty grade coffee beans from Kanyege Washing Station, Western Province region in Rwanda. This coffee is honey processed and roasted at a medium roast level. Black honey, complex, blackcurrant flavor, balanced sweetness and black grape aftertaste.




This Bourbon varietal coffee is Kanyege Honey grade and grows at 1,800 to 2,100 masl.

The last kilometer must be hiked on foot to reach Kanyege washing station. The path is lined with plots of healthy Bourbon trees set on a hilly landscape. The branches of the trees are loaded down with cherry during the growing season, which turns increasingly red as the season progresses. Those lovely red cherries will be collected and sent to Kanyege washing station very soon.

Farmers handpick cherry and send it to the Kanyege washing facility. The station floats every cherry to get rid of any low-density cherry. The high-density cherry is then manually selected to eliminate all the noticeable flaws.

Cherry is pulped with a disc pulper and then spread out on elevated beds in thin layers to sun dry. It undergoes routine sifting to achieve equal drying.

We recommend to try this coffee in hand drip. Follow this recipe from our barista for a refreshing coffee experience!

Method: Hand Drip
Water Temperature: 92℃
Ratio: 1:12.5 (12.5g coffee to 225g water)
Grand size: Medium
Blooming: 20-30sec, 30g water
Time: 2mins15sec

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