Sumatra Aulia Kahpi C.O.E Coffee

Sumatra Aulia Kahpi C.O.E Coffee

Sumatra Aulia Kahpi C.O.E Coffee
A new single origin coffee from Indonesia that coffee lovers will surely enjoy!
The Dutch introduced coffee to Indonesia in the 1600s, and soon it became one of the world's top coffee producers of Arabica coffee. Coffee is farmed by small-holder farmers in Indonesia and accounts for about 90% of the country's coffee.
The words "Java" and "Sumatra" have become nearly synonymous with flavorful coffee during the last 200 years. Bali, Lintong, Toraja, Kalosi, Gayo, and Mandheling are also known to specialty coffee connoisseurs.
For decades, purchasers of high-quality coffees have been drawn to the country's diverse island sceneries, unique terrain, and variety of production methods. This wide range of growth circumstances is both demanding and promising as a fresh origin for the Cup of Excellence.
The flavor characteristic of Indonesian coffees is dark and powerful, with a strong earthiness.
What is C.O.E.?
The Cup of Excellence (COE) has established the benchmark for increasing premiums available to coffee growers. COE is a non-profit organization that provides funding for coffee producers in coffee-growing countries. It continues to develop a more transparent infrastructure and provides farmers with the resources they need to improve their farm's economic model.
In 1999, the Cup of Excellence program was launched at the conclusion of a global study aimed at helping farmers get paid more for their high-quality coffee. Marcelo Vieira, Silvio Leite, and Susie Spindler were part of the initial team that organized the first competition and auction.
The Cup of Excellence program has a well-deserved reputation for recognizing coffee growers.
Competition Process of The COE
Each top-10 coffee is cupped at least 120 times with 300 submissions, resulting in an average of 9,000 rated cups. The competition is fierce, with industry experts judging the entries in three stages. This procedure assures that only the highest-quality, consistent coffees make it into the COE auction. 
Sumatra Aulia Kahpi C.O.E coffee is a single origin special grade coffee beans from Rakyat Farm Sumatra region in Indonesia and graded Sumatra C.O.E. WetHulled. This coffee earned certification of #9 - Sumatra Prestige Cup 2019. This coffee is wet-hulled processed and grows at 1,400 meters above sea level and a Caturra, Typica variety.
Wet hulling, also known as giling basah, is solely used in Indonesia. Farmers handpick ripe cherries and give them to Aulia, who pulps and ferments them overnight. After rinsing it in clean water, he sun-dries the parchment for about one day.
Roasted in medium dark level this coffee has a round and syrupy body with lemon and ginger acidity. This coffee has a toffee, apricot and jujube flavour.

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