Coffee Brewing Series 4 - Moka Pot
What is a Moka Pot?
The Moka Pot is one of the most sought-after pieces of coffee equipment in the world. This is a coffee tool that produces a concentrated cup of coffee rather than an espresso alternative. This eighty-year-old coffee pot has been served in a variety of countries - widely known in Europe, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. This coffee maker is associated with Italian culture and may be found in practically every Italian home. A famous piece of houseware in any Italian kitchen.
This coffee maker works as the steam is pushed through the ground coffee by the Moka Pot's push action. Coffee fans compare a Moka Pot to an espresso maker because it makes a stronger tasting coffee. This is why so many people fell in love with the Moka Pot.

What are the Parts of a Moka Pot?
The Moka Pot is made up of three primary sections:
- Bottom portion - also known as the bottom chamber, is where the water is placed.
- Filter, funnel and basket - where coffee grounds are placed.
- Top chamber or coffee collector - where the coffee is pushed through the top by the steam.
History of Moka Pot
Alfonso Bialetti invented the Moka Express coffee pot in 1933. After observing women wash laundry in a sealed boiler with a central pipe, Alfonso Bialetti designed the stove-top espresso maker. The pipe took soapy water from the boiler's bottom and sprayed it over the wet laundry. He decided to take this concept and turn it into a coffee machine that would allow Italians to enjoy authentic espresso.
The distinctive shape was based on a silver coffee service that was popular in wealthy Italian homes. Sales took off after an advertising campaign using l'omino con i baffi ("the little man with the moustache").
Moka pot causes hot water to pass upwards through coffee grounds, and rises up out of a tube. The machine was invented for women who were beginning to drink coffee outside the home in the 19th Century. Inventors had been experimenting with steam in an attempt to emulate the strong and intense flavours of espresso.
In terms of popularity, the Moka Pot hasn't faded. The Moka Pot is still available on the market today. Although other designs were introduced, the original design is still what the majority of people want. You can purchase the new designs that were created, or you can purchase the original design. Except for the Bialetti firm, there are no known manufacturers of Moka Pots.

How to Brew Your Coffee in a Moka Pot?
- Bring the water in the kettle to a boil, then turn off the heat. This is done to prevent the Moka pot from becoming too hot and cooking the coffee, giving it a metallic flavor.
- Using a drip coffee setting, grind your coffee until it's as fine as table salt and fill the filter basket.
- Pour in the warm water until the brewer's bottom line is reached and place the filter basket in the bottom of the brewer.
- Slightly mound the coffee in the basket and level the surface with your finger. Remove any loose grinds from the filter basket's top edge with a brush.
- Connect the top and bottom using screws. Don't over tighten and use hot pads.
- Place the brewer on the burner over medium heat. Make sure that the handle is not exposed to the flame and keep the top lid open.
- As the water in the bottom chamber reaches a boil, the pressure in the top chamber pushes a stream of coffee through the upper chamber slowly.
You'll hear a puffing sound as the coffee starts to pour out, and you'll see a rich-brown stream that gets lighter in hue. Remove the stream from the heat source using hot pads and close the lid after the stream is the color of yellow honey.
- To stop extraction, wrap the bottom of the pot in a cooled bar towel or run it under cold tap water. This is done to prevent the coffee from acquiring a metallic flavor. The goal is to get a small amount of coffee that is extremely concentrated and rich.
Pour the coffee into glasses or a carafe as soon as it stops bubbling. Depending on your preference, you may want to dilute it with hot water.
You're done! Enjoy drinking your coffee!