Colombia San Luis Estate Anaerobic Washed Coffee

Colombia San Luis Estate Anaerobic Washed Coffee

Colombia San Luis Estate Anaerobic Washed Coffee
Smell great tasting coffee from Colombia.

Colombia has a long history of growing arabica beans, and its peculiar environment makes it ideal for making a high-quality brew. The cafeteras are home to about 500,000 farms, the majority of which are small plots of land of less than 5 hectares.

Colombia San Luis Estate Anaerobic Washed coffee is a single origin specialty grade coffee beans from San Luis Estate, Tolima region in Colombia. This coffee is anaerobic washed processed. Anaerobic is a special processing method where coffee is fermented without oxygen. This distinct process results in rare and exotic flavors. Affected to the beans color changes darker after roasted. Very clean and bright acidity, chamomile, black tea, brown sugar flavours.



San Luis has a unique situation due to its proximity to the Ecuadorian border and its elevation, which ranges from 1700 to 1800 meters above sea level. This area has the highest rainfall and humidity on the farm which leads to a particularly clean and juicy coffee.


Anaerobic processing is where coffee is fermented without oxygen. This distinct process results in rare and exotic flavors. Anaerobic fermentation produces unique acids, such as lactic acids, that impart a particular flavor to the finished product. Anaerobics are placed in sealed tanks that have been compressed by CO2 accumulation, and the remaining pressure and oxygen are released through release valves. You can have anaerobic naturals, honeys, and washed coffees. Fermentation can occur in the cherry or in the mucilage after it has been de-pulped.The coffee is then dried in cherry (natural), in mucilage (honey), or washed and dried.



Coffee trees are able to produce high quality coffee all year long, you can find flowers, green, yellow and red beans in one tree. Coffee cultivation complements a system of regulated shade with tree species which create habitats for many species of birds and other wild animals supporting the conservation of local and national wildlife. After the coffee is harvested, it will be washed and sorted with spring water immediately. It will be placed in a GP bag for anaerobic fermentation to produce more flavour. Coffee beans will then leave to dry till it reaches the ideal moisture content.

Finca San Luis is located in Libano, Tolima, and is managed by Omar Arango. He has been dedicated to improving the process and production of specialty coffees, learning about more efficient ways of collection and sorting.

Enjoy this great coffee with family and friends this season. 

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