Ethiopia Bench Maji Gesha G1 Natural Coffee

Ethiopia Bench Maji Gesha G1 Natural Coffee

Ethiopia Bench Maji Gesha G1 Natural Coffee
This amazing variety comes from Gesha Village, located in the dense jungles of the Bench Maji Zone in the far western reaches of Ethiopia. Sweet floral aromatics, an intense sweetness with a lingering aftertaste.
The Story of Gesha Village
The rugged, deep, and magnificent forests of the Bench Maji Zone, near the South Sudan border, are home to the brilliant Gesha coffees. A coffee that surprise coffee drinkers around the world with crisp acidity and rich profiles.
Bench Maji, Ethiopia's Gesha Village is a 471-hectare farm. It is within a short distance from the birthplace of the famous Panama Geisha. The Ethiopian Gesha coffee legend was restored by Rachel Samuel and Adam Overton.
This coffee is produced from trees of the rare Ethiopia-derived botanical variety Gesha (also Geisha). The Gesha varietal continues to stand out as one of the world's most unique coffees, with its normally elongated beans and characteristic fruity and sharp flavor. Despite the fact that the Gesha variety originated in Ethiopia, it was "discovered" by the coffee world in 2004 while growing in Boquete, Panama, and Panama continues to dominate the Gesha world.
The process
This coffee undergoes natural process. Farmers pick the fruit, leave it out in the sun till it goes red to brown to almost black in color, and then peel off the thick, dried outer covering to reveal the green bean in one process. This is a process that works best in desert climates, where the light and heat may dry the seed inside the fruit's undamaged skin.
Because of its simplicity and the fact that the fruit remains whole and undisturbed, it's commonly referred to as "natural coffee." It's similar to drying grapes into raisins. The dry process method is a default to locations with the correct environment capable of drying the fruit and seed because it requires less expenditure. But it fails in humid or wet regions. The fruit declines, rots, or molds if the drying process is not completed quickly enough. This process unlocks a clean, fruity, sweet, robust cup. 
Try Ethiopia Bench Maji Gesha G1 Natural Coffee with this brewing recipe from our roaster team and enhance your coffee experience!
Brewing Recipe:
Method: Hand Drip
Water Temp: 92℃ - 94℃
Water ratio 1:15 (16g coffee to 240g water)
Grind size: Medium 
Blooming 25- 30sec

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